Statistics and probability
Imagine you have an apple orchard farm, before harvest you want to know the taste of these apples. But how? Take a bite of each one of them? Absolutely not. I guess you would randomly pick several apples and judge the overall sweetness based on the taste of those. Wait a minute, why these apples can represent the whole orchard? Because you are using the statistics method. Actually, we just go through a famous statistical investigation (problem-solving) cycle: Problem, Plan, Data, Analysis, Conclusions, and Communication (PPDAC). According to Wikipedia: Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data . The well planned statistical process allows us to have a peep of the overall picture from the sample. Such a useful tool! Even better, it can help us foresee the future. Have you ever wondered where sports betting companies’ offering odd coming forms? Do you know they always win? Guess...
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